with founder of Innerdance Trust
~Serena Olsen
The two immersions for this training course will be held at "De yoga para ti" in Aravaca, Madrid. It is a beautiful and spacious shala with restaurants and a variety of food options nearby.
28-30 January
11am - 7pm Friday & Saturday
Ends at 5pm on Sunday
25-27 February
11am - 7pm Friday & Saturday
Ends at 5pm on Sunday
The space will provide yoga mats and blankets. Please bring extra socks, comfortable clothes, blindfold or eye cover* (optional), and notebook
De yoga para ti
There are several options from Madrid
Bus: 656, 656A, 657.
Train: C10, C7
All times listed below are
Central European Standard Time (GMT+1)
28-30 January
(Friday - Sunday)
11am - 1pm Introductions, What is Innerdance?, What to expect
1 - 2pm Demos
2 - 3:30pm Lunch
3:30 - 5:30pm Experience Session
5:30 - 7pm Group Sharings
11am - 12:30pm Introduction to Partner Work
12:30 - 2pm Partner Session #1
2 - 3:30pm Lunch
3:30 - 5pm Partner Session #2
5 - 7pm Group Sharings
11am - 12:30pm Check-ins
12:30 - 1:15pm Demos
1:15 - 2:15pm Lunch
2:15 - 3:45pm Experience Session
3:45 - 5pm Group Sharings
5 February (Saturday)
1 - 2:30pm Check-ins
2:30 - 4pm Theory
4 - 5pm Break
5 - 6:15pm Online Experience Session
6:20 - 7pm Sharing
10 February (Thursday)
5 - 7pm Theory
7 - 8:30pm Q&A
12 February (Saturday)
1 - 2pm Check-ins
2 - 4pm Techniques, Body Work, Remote Sessions
4 - 5pm Break
5 - 7pm Online Partner Sessions
17 February (Thursday)
5 - 6pm Group Check-in
6 - 7:30pm Theory
7:30 - 8:30pm Q&A
19 February (Saturday)
1 - 3pm Theory
3 - 4pm Q&A
4 - 5pm Break
5 - 6:15pm Online Experience Session (bring a friend)
6:20 - 7pm Sharing
25-27 February (Friday - Sunday)
11am - 1pm Check-ins
1 - 2pm Experience Session #1
2 - 3:30pm Lunch
3:30 - 5:15pm Experience Session #2
5:15 - 7pm Group Sharings
11am - 12:30pm Group Dialogue
12:30 - 2pm Partner Session #1
2 - 3:30pm Lunch
3:30 - 5pm Partner Session #2
5 - 7pm Group Sharings
11am - 12:30pm Wrap up Q&A
12:30 - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30 - 3:30pm Last Experience Session
3:30 - 5pm Final Sharings
All participants will receive access to a shared group chat and online networking platform for questions, feedback, and continued community support.
Participants will also receive unlimited access* to an extensive library of online resources for innerdance and energy school, including instructional videos, audio recordings, playlists & soundscapes, hundreds of songs, movies, books, pdf's and other relevant materials for continued growth and learning.
*Requires registering a personal account on the innerdance trust website to access online course materials
The evolution of consciousness spans over many thousands of years. Our collective story is woven into the cyclical patterns of life on this planet. Although profound cycles of change are innate to Earth, several eras of motion have led us to the Age of Information in a species induced epoch known as the Anthropocene - a time when humanity directly impacts the planetary balance of our global ecosystem. As we experience life in emotional, spiritual, physical and cognitive intelligences affecting our inner worlds and psyches, the outer world undergoes immense change.
Now is a time for recognition, negotiation and resonance. Confrontations from various global challenges and disruptive phenomena contribute to the greatest witnessing of illusion and weakness in our epoch, mindsets and structural systems. Humans currently face a vulnerable present and a fragile, indeterminable future. The next years ahead define a critical window when non-linear spaciousness and the foundations of linear time come head to head and face to face. What do we choose, how do we choose it, and when?
The innerdance provides a safe space for curious exploration, deep inquiry and insight, and profound shifts in awareness both internally and externally. For all who choose to courageously lay down, close their eyes and trust, this process offers an intimate and collective experience both for the innermost depths of the soul and the farthest reaches of human consciousness.
The upcoming Innerdance Facilitator Training Course will be held from 28 January to 27 February, 2022. This course includes two 3-day immersions in Madrid, Spain and five sessions of intensive online learning. All online sessions will be held in English with live translations into Spanish. Immersions will mostly be in Spanish with live translations into English. This training process is for personal change and transformation, learning to facilitate 1:1, group and remote experience sessions, and connection to a growing global network of innerdance facilitators and community.
Through the Foundations of Energy School, Principles of Facilitation, and a practical approach to the Innerdance Playlists, participants gain a fundamental understanding of the innerdance process and significant experience to facilitate both online and in-person.
Over the past decade, Serena Olsen has helped catalyze and develop innerdance as a process, language and globally growing community. She is one of the most experienced global facilitators of this work and is able to offer a comprehensive understanding of the innerdance through Energy School, soundscape creations, experiential wisdom and in-depth scientific knowledge.
By looking at energy concepts through a variety of lenses including neurology, physiology, behavioral & social sciences, ecology, and quantum physics, alongside more philosophical approaches including epistemology, metaphysics, and communication studies, the Energy School is designed to both dismantle and rebuild internalized perspectives on life towards a more unified whole. It supports a symbiotic relationship between ourselves, each other and our world through embedded wisdom and a deeper understanding of Wholeness Systems.
Through both direct knowledge and experiential learning, the Energy School process invites participants to inquisitively think, holistically feel and alchemically become one. Energy School empowers participants to activate and remember the innate healing capacity within each and every one of us.
Innerdance is a profound, energy intensive and often life changing experience. Immersions connect participants to collective, planetary and galactic energies as well as the deeply personal energies of our unique inner worlds. The innerdance process is NOT a workshop! Immersions incorporate concepts and understandings from the Energy School frameworks and introduce participants to the innerdance experience through potent sound journeys, dialogues and intimate sharing circles.
Immersions offer a shared space for trust, vulnerability, and transformation to all who attend. These processes are not for the faint of heart or those just looking to scratch the surface of their inner being. When we trust the process, innerdance has a powerful ability to catalyze deep healing and accelerated growth.
Immersions are a co-creative process between those laying down and those offering energy support in the room. Energy support can be physical touch, instrumental sounds, words and vocals, or other non-physical forms of connection. The co-facilitators of each immersion have attended various energy school and training processes, are passionate about the work and eager to share in the magic and phenomena we have come to know as innerdance.
The co-organizer of this training course and main co-facilitator for the immersions, Angela Maldonado, will also be our translator for each of the online learning sessions. She has supported the global innerdance community for the past 5 years, holds experience sessions and workshops around the world and is dedicated to the expanding innerdance movement in her home country, Spain.
Participants will learn about brainwaves, circadian rhythms, and vibrational frequencies that shift our moods and states of consciousness. Tap into sounds and instruments that subconsciously alter our perceptions, interpretations, and fields of resonance. Before the second immersion, participants will explore sound, musical inclinations and playlist creation. During the immersions, participants also gain greater awareness of the effects of sound vibrations beyond our ears.
As a global community, many international innerdance facilitators are also committed to helping each other as best we can whenever someone is in need of support. This includes financial support when possible. The Philippine islands were hit very hard by a category 5 typhoon in mid December. The typhoons devastated the ecovillage home of innerdance in Palawan, Maia Earth Village, and some of our long running innerdance spaces in Cebu. To help support our innerdance family and the rebuilding of homes and livelihood from zero point, 5% of the total proceeds from this training course will be donated to our friends in the Philippines.
Full training cost $1449* (approx. total w/fees €1274)
*Total cost includes 3.5% processing and service fee for online transactions
Online Registration Payment & Deposit:
$362* (approx. total w/fees €320)
*Amount includes 3.5% processing and service fee for online transactions
Remaining balance is due in two additional consecutive payments:
Second payment of $673* (approx. total w/fees €593) is due by 30 January.
Final payment of $414* (approx. total w/fees €365) is due by 19 February.
*Amounts above include 3.5% processing and service fee for online transactions.
PLEASE NOTE: Innerdance Global LLC is a legally registered entity in the United States. Payments & donations made on this website can only be accepted in USD. This may affect the overall amount paid between various course participants due to fluctuating conversion rates.
For assistance in Spanish, location information, questions and additional course information, please contact the co-organizer:
Angela Maldonado
+34 691 57 25 48
For online payment issues, concerns or general information, please contact: innerdancetrust@gmail.com