Full Moon Dates
Thursday, January 28
Saturday, February 27
Sunday, March 28

New Moon Dates
Thursday, February 11
Saturday, March 13
Sunday, April 11
Video Dialogue from
Moon Dream Series - Session 3:
Full Moon February 27, 2021
We are so happy to introduce the Moon Dream Series for this early part of 2021. Starting with the first Full Moon of this year on Thursday, January 28 we will be holding a series of 6 innerdance live Zoom Womb sessions for each of the Full Moons and New Moons until the New Moon on April 11.
During the brightest and darkest hours of the moon's 28-day cycles, it is difficult to rationally explain the power of moon energy often experienced as transmission, phenomenon, mystery or magic. Dreams are enhanced, dreaming is vivid, and the quality of heightened imagination juxtaposed with reality can dream an entire Universe into being. Grandmother Moon supports innerdance consciousness with vibrational frequencies accessible only when She herself is at her prime ripeness for either letting go or starting anew. Although this is experienced differently for everyone, the moon amplifies and nurtures planetary potential for release, transformation and rebirth. We encourage you to check out, investigate and learn more about the unique names, stories, frequencies and alignments for each of the upcoming moons, and feel into what resonates for you.
Check out the schedule or event ticket page for more specifics on the dates and times for these moon-vibe soundscapes.
All event sessions include live DJ mixing and soundscape creations by Serena Olsen. Over the years, Serena has facilitated many innerdance sessions and experiences aligned with moon ceremonies and events. Her intuitive channeling of moon vibrations alongside the spontaneous arising of synergistic energy flow is a special gift for the technological world of this 21st century.
Each session begins at 4pm Thai time with short introductions from individual participants and collaborators. Once the soundscape portion of the session begins, the Zoom Womb will be closed to new participants. Please join the session early if you have concerns with Zoom, are new to the technology or need help logging in. Please make sure you have a stable internet connection or you may get disconnected during the soundscape. For technical reasons, if you are disconnected during the soundscape, we will not be able to readmit you into Zoom until the soundscape ends. After the soundscape, collaborators and participants are invited to share about their experiences before we close.
Those who register as individuals are invited to share in the Zoom Womb introductions and closing circle. Those who register as Collaborators are invited to participate in the introductions and closing as representatives for their group.
*See below for more information on becoming a Collaborator*
After completing registration for this event by making a purchase, you will receive a confirmation email with a PDF of your event ticket. Please keep this for proof of purchase. Your confirmation email will also include the Zoom Womb Meeting ID. Passwords for zoom login will be sent in email reminders the day before each event. If you have any issues with Zoom, please email or message at least one hour before the event start time to get things sorted.
If you are/will be in a physical location where you can host a group of participants for one or more of these sessions, and would like to join as a Collaborator, we'd love to build a connection with you and your community!
Here's how it works: You physically hold the space for participants in your group and we create a lucid space for sound to support the journeying. Before and after the session, we ask that Collaborators hold an opening & closing circle with their groups. For time purposes, we will only check-in with the Collaborators on Zoom (not each of your participants). For Collaborators, the Zoom Womb is an energetic container for the overall experience. It serves as a bridge between the greater global collective and the individual group space. It offers flexibility and permission for Collaborators to facilitate their sessions with words/voice, energy healing, body work, instruments, channeling, spontaneous dialogue and intuitive flow unique to the group space while simultaneously being held and supported by the greater whole.
Our vision is to journey together with global facilitators who would like to explore synchronised time & space for group experience sessions between multiple communities. This is especially helpful for faciliators not yet confident to create their own soundscapes or playlists, interested in the possibilities of collaborative journeying, and/or seeking additional guidance or support holding group space for innerdance experience sessions. Facilitators who join as Collaborators are invited to join Serena on post-session Zoom Calls to ask questions, share insights and dialogue with other global innerdance facilitators.
**(post-session call dates & times - TBD)
Joining as a Collaborator gives facilitators autonomy on the energy exchange process for their group sessions. Some Collaborators may need to pay space rental costs or personal fees to hold sessions. Others may have flexibility to invite participants to their own home or choose to offer sessions by donation. There's no right or wrong here, and no judgement on how Collaborators choose to create an exchange with their own groups. The global innerdance community is held in non-competition but this doesn't mean you have to hold space for free! Set a value to the personal work you contribute and the love you are ready to share. If you need assistance or guidance creating compassionate exchange or energetic values, please feel free to get in touch.
If you are interested to be a Collaborator during the Moon Dream Series and would like more information before registering, please send us an email - innerdancetrust@gmail.com