Training Course
Welcome to the innerdance training group! You can connect with other participants, get updates, and share videos, audios etc. This is a private group for those who are participating in the online training course. We hope you will find this a safe space to share, connect and engage with one another. This is a great place to ask questions, hold discussions and gather insights from the global community. It is a vision and dream to see this space grow over time. As a participant in one of the online trainings, you are welcome to be a part of this group for as long as it exists! Please feel free to contribute your thoughts, questions, and sharings in this space even after the conclusion of the course. It will be amazing for those who join future training courses to have access to all the facilitators and participants in one place. Please consider introducing yourself so others can get to know you.

- Private
Only approved members can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
June 20, 2021
Created by