Sharing innerdance around the world since 2012.
Upcoming Events
- Sa., 17. MaiBarmolloch
- Di., 03. JuniVikbolandet
- Fr., 13. JuniThe Kepplewray Centre

Finden Sie sich in einem Moment der Hingabe, des Vertrauens, der Verletzlichkeit und des Herzens wieder, indem Sie loslassen, zusammenbrechen und sich von allem lösen, was ist und was auch immer kommt.
Schließe deine Augen und lass deinen ganzen Körper zuhören.
Was du siehst und was du fühlst, wird in diesem wachen Traumzustand lebendig, den wir Innerdance nennen.
the innerdance process
The innerdance is an intuitive and organic state of expanded consciousness that acts as a gateway or portal towards wholeness and a deeper understanding of who and what we are.
The innerdance process is a tool for accessing this awareness and integrating its benefits into every day life.
Getting to Know Innerdance
Getting to Know Innerdance

Innerdance with Other Practices and Modalities

What is Innerdance? How would YOU describe it?

Short Intro to Innerdance
The Innerdance is a diverse global community of people from all across the planet with many different walks of life. The innerdance is a choice and an awareness into a state of becoming that invites change, transformation, growth, and Wholeness.
The modern innerdance process is best known through the work of Pi Villaraza and his personal experiences with the energy. His work helped catalyze the global community we know today. His training programs in the innerdance process started in 2011 and the energy school frameworks began in 2013.
From thousands of years ago until today, the innerdance has been a part of human awareness and rediscovery on this planet. The infinite remembrance of the innerdance evolves, change names, and diffuses into other practices, modalities, and ways of life. It continues to shift and transform to meet the needs of the people from each era and time in which it reemerges.

Was ist Innerdance?
Der innerdance ist ein intuitiver und organischer Zustand von erweitert Bewusstsein, das als Tor oder Portal zur Heilung fungiert und ein tieferes Verständnis dafür, wer und was wir sind.
Musik wird verwendet, um die Aktivierung spezifischer Gehirnwellenmuster zu unterstützen, die einen wachtraumartigen Zustand des klaren Bewusstseins stimulieren.
Erhöhte Vibrationsreaktionen in Gehirn, Körper und Verschmelzen mit Elektrizität, Erinnerungen, Emotionen,
kollektive Gedanken, Visionen, Illuminationen und Zellregeneration.
Wahrnehmungsverschiebungen und tiefgreifende Einsichten ergeben sich spontan aus einem erweiterten Bewusstsein und einer erhöhten Neuroplastizität. Alte Interpretationssysteme ändern sich allmählich oder augenblicklich, wenn eine gesündere, heilendere und harmonischere Energie Einzug hält.
what we offer
The innerdance provides a safe space for curious exploration, deep inquiry, insight, and profound shifts in awareness both internally and externally. For all who choose to courageously lay down, close their eyes and trust, this process offers an intimate and collective experience both for the innermost depths of the soul and the furthest reaches of human consciousness.
Journey through dream states, psychedelics, near death experiences, kundalini awakening, life regression, birth visions and so much more. We invite you to a shared space of trust, vulnerability, and transformation. When we trust the process, innerdance has a powerful ability to initiate deep healing and accelerated growth.